In a world of mistrust, I understand it’s not an easy decision to part with a substantial sum of money if you are not 100% sure which of the best agencies for branding can deliver what they say.
That’s where a brand audit comes in.
I recommend a brand audit as a low risk way of testing a relationship with a branding agency. Decide who looks like the best fit for your business and have them assess your branding and recommend solutions.
You don’t go to the doctor telling him what you need, you tell them the symptoms as it’s what you think it might be but you rely on the trained expert to diagnose and prescribe the right treatment.Instead of committing to a large project upfront and feeling like you made the wrong choice half way through, a brand audit minimises this risk.
You get to see how an agency works and more importantly you can envisage if you can work with them long term. For whatever reason, you didn’t like the way anything was done, you take the audit and approach another agency to deliver the solution.
Plenty of agencies can offer a brand audit but before you choose, look at credentials. Having worked with global brands will build the trust they can deliver for some of the best in the world.
If you are unsure who to choose to conduct your brand audit, as a luxury goods consultant, I can give you the advice you need and if we don’t work in your sector, I can recommend an agency that does.